Easy Remedies For Scalp Eczema

By Bill Kant

Scalp eczema that is also known as seborrheic dermatitis is an inflammation which contributes to the growth and development of scaly and oily patches on the hair scalp. Most individuals will mistake this kind of eczema with dandruff because of the shedding of skin from the head. People who are afflicted with this condition commonly are uncomfortable because it is very difficult to cover the damaged region.

There is a wide variety of symptoms which are associated with the problem. Although the symptoms will not be identical in two people, the frequent ones include swelling, redness, lesions, sore spots, oily scalp, itchiness, burning sensation and hair loss due to continuous scratching on the scalp.

If babies are infected with this problem, it is referred to as crusta lactea. It is short-term, noninfectious and not health threatening. The infant may have symptoms such as brownish excess skin that may show up thick and crusty. Parents should not be stressed when they find out their young ones with indications of crusta lactea. They should understand that the symptoms are not hypersensitive and neither is it harmful. Then again, it is important to prevent the kids from touching their scalp simply because the more they scratch it, the more will the scalp get damaged. Rubbing could also lead to bleeding and consequently mild bacterial infections.

Even though the main reason behind the problem is not identified, it is believed that it originates from overproduction of skin oil as well as aggravation from a kind of fungus that is known as malassezia. It has been uncovered that this problem can be inherited down through genetics. Some other possible causes are nerve issues for example head injuries, stroke and Parkinson's disease. HIV has also been known to raise the probability of getting the condition.

There are various factors that may raise the possibility of getting the condition. Such factors are fatigue, hormonal imbalances, overweight, skin disorders, infrequent shampooing, stress, oily scalp, severe climate and bacterial infections.

Skin creams and shampoos which have list of ingredients like selenium, ketoconazole and corticosteroids may be used for treatment. Parting hair into areas to wash and massage the head may be more beneficial.

Alternative types of treatment methods could be applying natural oils like olive oil, flax seed oil, hemp oil, tea tree oil and lavender oil. It has been founded that there is a direct relationship between scalp eczema and yeast. Because of this, people with this issue are suggested to stay away from refined sugars, saturated sugars and bread products. Eating a well-balanced diet can assist to resolve the problem.

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