How To Prevent Dry Itchy Scalp?

By Anna Burns

Flakiness, itchiness and redness are probably the most frequent signs and symptoms of dry skin. Because affected skin is layered by hair, the individual may not easily notice the dry scalp. Numerous medical experts agree that the treatment processes are usually very hard however the majority of its root causes are often preventable. The primary cause associated with dry scalp is the loss of the oils required by the hair and also the scalp surface. Below are the leading reasons for the dryness on the scalp.

In the cold months as the weather gets dry, scalp also turns dry. Normally the skin cell regenerates the natural oil to moisturize the scalp all through the day. However this is not the way it works if the humidity level falls. The skin layer loses moisture during the period more than its restoration speed.

At times contact with extreme heating and air conditioning will cause the scalp in becoming dry. Heating and air conditioner in most cases triggers the skin to irritate and it could possibly become worse. Usually, such a person will feel a desire to rub the dry skin which could in time cause external wound creating a chance of bacterial contamination.

Most people love to shower or bath with hot water and that is a hazard to health with dry scalp. Whenever the skin layer is in contact with hot temperatures, it is capable of breaking down the lipids therefore causing the dryness of skin. Continuous hot water showering or bathing could aggravate the skin texture and consequently make it hard to handle the drying scalp.

Another reason for dryness may be using a bad quality hair shampoo. The majority of these shampoos include detergents like sodium lauryl sulfate which can cause the skin to react in a wrong way and therefore turn dry. Countless medical researchers have recommended using shampoo made with pure substances such as urea, shea butter or tea tree oil. These types of active ingredients prevent the skin tissues from breaking out and itching. When used frequently, the scalp may be hydrated and irritation will vanish as well.

Among the home treatment solutions are head massage. Bad flow of blood can be the source of the problem. Gentle rubbing could boost the healthy skin regeneration that will provide oil and moisture the scalp requires. One other solution is to consume Vitamin B on a daily basis. Research reports suggest shortage of Vitamin B may be a reason for scalp and skin issues. If the problem persists even after trying the remedies, then it is time to talk to a doctor.

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