Manage Your Hair Loss Effectively With These Tips

By S. Newman

Defining exactly what a healthy diet is when it comes to preventing hair loss can be a little more complex. Principally, the main vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that one must ingest in some form to maintain healthy hair are vitamin A, all B vitamins-particularly vitamins B-6 and B-12, folic acid, biotin, vitamin C, vitamin E, copper, iron, zinc, iodine, protein of course, silica, essential fatty acids (EFA's, formerly known as vitamin F) and last but not least one must consume water. There are also certain foods that may cause dysfunction that will contribute to hair loss.

It may be a little complex to describe what a healthy diet is with regard to preventing loss of hair. These however, are the nutrients that one needs to take in in whatever form to ensure that their hair remains healthy: Vitamin A, Vitamin B, especially Vitamins B-6 and B-12, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, minerals like zinc, folic acid, iodine, copper, biotin, iron, silica, protein, and water, as well as essential fatty acids. Particular foods cause some body dysfunctions that lead to loss of hair.

A good diet helps you maintain a healthy intake of both minerals and vitamins. It is very much possible to meet your nutritional requirements without taking any vitamin supplements, especially those purchased over-the-counter. In fact, most of these supplements, being processed, contain chemicals, and worse still, your body system does not completely absorb them. You are at a high risk of overdose when taking vitamin and mineral supplements especially if fat-soluble, as they may be toxic and can lead to very bad reactions. Food, on the other hand is safe; it is therefore wise to get your minerals and vitamins from it.

One of the critical vitamins required for the development of healthy hair and all other tissues and cells is vitamin A. The sebaceous glands in the scalp are important in the production of sebum, which lubricates the hair follicles- vitamin A, combined with silica and zinc, helps to prevent the sebaceous glands from drying up and becoming clogged. This means that when vitamin A is lacking, a common occurrence is dry hair, a thickening of the scalp and dandruff.

Vitamin A is inhibited by a number of things including: drugs that lower cholesterol, aspirin, smoking, laxatives, very bright light, and pollution in air. Foods rich in Vitamin A include: green leafy vegetables, eggs, liver, oil from fish,and fortified milk, as well as vegetables that are red, yellow or orange. A lot of care should be taken while taking Vitamin A supplements ; it is fat-soluble, thus is stored in your body, which makes it very easy to overdose. If overdosed, Vitamin A leads to very dry skin, and inflammation of the hair follicles, which can lead to hair loss. It is advisable to consult your nutritionist before embarking on the journey of taking Vitamin A supplements. The importance of a good whole food diet in providing nutrients vital for preventing loss of hair cannot be overemphasized, by all means.

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